Don’t just sit there, Do Something!

Where do you start on the road to improving your fitness? There is no better place to start on your journey than at the beginning.
Here are 5 Quick Tips on how you can get started on your fitness journey.

1. See Your Primary Care Doctor. Before you start, see your doctor for a complete physical examination and make them aware of your plans to begin a workout routine. Make sure that your doctor gives you the “all clear” check-off or provides you with information on limitations or restrictions you make have in exercising.

2. Find A Workout Partner. A workout partner is the person you will be accountable to as you begin your workout journey. Your accountability partner will have your back and will help you stay on course as you engage in your workout journey.

3. Start Slow and Easy. Perform exercises that you know you can do. Avoid starting with a difficult work out. The result is usually soreness and discouragement. The goal is to be able to return for the next workout.

4. Use Proper Technique. Make sure you understand how to work the equipment or how to do the exercise. One of the easiest ways to get injured is using improper technique.

5. Be Consistent. Look at your schedule before you start your workout journey. Establish a realistic workout plan that fits your life schedule, then stick to it. Avoid missing your scheduled workouts. However, if your schedule changes, avoid long lapses in workouts. Jump back into the routine quickly.

10 Signs Your Fitness Might Need Attention

Staying in good health and maintaining fitness are crucial for a high quality of life. However, many of us might be overlooking signs that our fitness levels are not where they should be. Here are ten questions to help you assess your current state of fitness and identify areas that might need improvement:

  1. Are you always tired?
    Fatigue can be a sign that your body isn’t getting the exercise it needs. Regular physical activity boosts energy levels by improving the efficiency of your cardiovascular system and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to your tissues.
  2. Do you become tired or “winded” after walking up a flight of stairs?
    Feeling winded after a short activity like climbing stairs can indicate poor cardiovascular fitness. Regular aerobic exercise can help improve your endurance and overall heart health.
  3. When you walk up a flight of stairs, does it take a long time for your heart rate to return to normal?
    A prolonged recovery time for your heart rate can be a sign of poor cardiovascular conditioning. Engaging in consistent aerobic activities like jogging, swimming, or cycling can enhance your heart’s ability to recover.
  4. Do you become short of breath during light activity?
    Shortness of breath during minimal exertion can signal that your respiratory or cardiovascular systems are not functioning efficiently. Building up your stamina with regular exercise can help mitigate this.
  5. Do you have weak and sore muscles after minimal physical activity?
    Muscle weakness and soreness after little exertion might suggest that your muscles are not accustomed to activity. Incorporating strength training exercises into your routine can help build muscle strength and endurance.
  6. Is your resting heart rate fast?
    A consistently high resting heart rate can indicate that your heart is working harder than it should be. Regular exercise can help lower your resting heart rate by improving your heart’s efficiency.
  7. Can you do 10 push-ups? Can you do 5 push-ups?
    The ability to perform push-ups is a good indicator of upper body strength and overall fitness. If you struggle to do even a few, it might be time to start incorporating strength training into your fitness regime.
  8. Do you have insomnia or poor sleep habits?
    Poor sleep can be both a cause and a consequence of inadequate physical activity. Exercise helps regulate your sleep patterns and improve the quality of your rest.
  9. Do you frequently crave sugar?
    Frequent sugar cravings can be a sign of imbalanced blood sugar levels, often exacerbated by a lack of physical activity. Regular exercise helps stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce cravings.
  10. Do you have chronic health problems?
    Chronic health issues like hypertension, diabetes, or obesity are often linked to sedentary lifestyles. Incorporating regular physical activity can help manage and prevent these conditions.

If you answered “yes” to several of these questions, it might be time to take a closer look at your fitness routine and lifestyle choices. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and healthy habits are key to improving your fitness levels and overall well-being. Start small, stay consistent, and remember that every step towards a more active lifestyle is a step towards better health.