Mens Health

Look at the statistics!
Understand the statistics!
Now, let’s BEAT the statistics!

Understanding Our Health Is The Beginning Well, you got to die of something. Common sentiments expressed by men. Are these statements made out of fear of taking on issues that are difficult? The fact is, in the United States, men die younger and live sicker lives than women. In order to change the trajectory of men’s health, this silent health crisis, health, fitness, and wellness must make their way to the forefront. Understanding our health is the beginning!

Common Generalizations About Men

• Men Are Less Healthy Than Women
• Men die younger and live sicker lives than women
• Men are dying of the top causes of death at higher rates than women
• Men are more likely to be uninsured than women
• Men do not take care of themselves as well as women
• Men are less likely to see a doctor for an annual evaluation of seeking medical advice
• Men are more likely to engage in unhealthy behaviors such as drinking alcohol or smoking cigarettes

MENS Top 10 Health Issues

1. Liver disease
2. Heart disease
3. Respiratory disease
4. Alcohol use
5. Depression and suicide
6. Unintentional injuries
7. Diabetes
8. Skin cancer
10. Influenza and pneumonia

Top 10 Causes of Death in Men

1. Heart disease  2. Cancer (lung, prostate, colorectal)  3. Unintentional injuries  4. Stroke  5. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease  6. Diabetes  7. Influenza and pneumonia  8. Suicide  9. Kidney disease  10. Alzheimer’s disease

Know Your Numbers
Blood pressure, cholesterol level, hemoglobin A1C and BMI are 4 important numbers that provide a measure of our health risks. Knowing your numbers can assist you in reducing your risk of heart disease, diabetes and other health conditions.

Blood Pressure
High blood pressure increases risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney disease and damage to other organs.

Desired Ranges:

Blood pressure categorySystolicDiastolic
High Blood Pressure Stage 1130-139Or80-89
High Blood Pressure 2>140Or>90
Hypertensive Crisis>180And/or>120

Cholesterol Level
A healthy cholesterol level helps reduce your risk for heart attack and stroke.
Desired range:

Cholesterol CategoryRange
Borderline High200-239

Hemoglobin A1C
Diabetes occurs when a persons blood sugar is elevated out of the desired range. Hemoglobin A1C provides a measure of the body’s blood sugar control for the past 60-90 days.
Desired Hemoglobin A1C ranges:

Hemoglobin A1C
NormalBelow 5.7%
Diabetes6.5% or Above

BMI is a calculation based on a person’s height and weight.

<19At risk of being underweight
19-24.9Healthy range
25-29.9At risk of being overweight and developing weight-related health conditions
>30At risk for obesity and developing weight-related health conditions

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