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November Virtual Discussion

























Prostate Cancer Awareness: September Virtual Discussion

July Virtual Discussion

June Virtual Discussion

August Virtual Discussion

Racially Equitable!
“To treat the ill to the best of one’s abilities” … Hippocratic oath
“To Protect and Serve” … proclamation of law enforcement
The Tuskegee Study
In 1932, the United States Public Health Service began a study to understand the natural history of a condition called Syphilis. The study consisted of enrollment of Black Men, some diagnosed with syphilis and some without, at a time when there were no treatments for syphilis. The Black Male participants were not clearly aware of their enrollment in the study.
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They were enticed to participate by providing free medical exams, free food and burial assistance. The study was intended to last 6 months but instead lasted 40 years. A decision was made by study officials not to treat Black Men when penicillin, an effective treatment, became available. The study finally ended in response to public outcry in 1972 of the travesties that were taking place.

The results of the Tuskegee Study led to lingering, deep-seated mistrust of Black Men to the health care arena. Today, the results of the Tuskegee study may play a central role in some of the racial health disparities that exist in African Americans in the United States. COVID-19 has magnified the persistence of racial health disparities in African Americans.

Corollaries to The Tuskegee Study may be playing out in events involving law enforcement today. Sworn to Protect and Serve! However, videos from cell phones and body cameras show an alarming paradox of unfair treatments that sometimes lead to senseless deaths of African American men and women.

First Virtual Discussion

ManUp Men’s Health Workshop

June 2, Symposium

July 28 2018

5K Prep Photos

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